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Pre-m cooperation - raising banquets!

Offer type: servicesPublished: 26.08.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Leningradskaya Oblast', Saint-Petersburg
We offer mutually advantageous cooperation managers EVENT services and companies to organize banquets, receptions, weddings in the Brasserie with the club's interior and panoramic Windows "King Gambrinus" in St. Petersburg on Zanevsky Prospekt, 34.
Your income - 10% of actual revenue.
Data about the restaurant: 170 seats, 3 hall - main, Banquet hall and on the covered terrace. The main and Banquet rooms are decorated in red tones. A covered terrace is tenderness peach tones. Offers European, Japanese and Uzbek menu, and 21 varieties of fresh beer, fine spirits and hookah. When ordering more than 1600 rubles per guest the opportunity to bring their own alcoholic beverages!
We hope for further cooperation!