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Fish-e base in Astrakhan

Offer type: salePublished: 25.08.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Astrakhanskaya Oblast', Astrakhan
Hotel complex database designed for the simultaneous presence of 41 guest. Recreation fully equipped with all necessary equipment, including freezer for storing fish, motor-boats, cargo van for meeting guests, SUV and motorcycles for hunting. Well established and profitable business.
The base is located in the Astrakhan region, Enotaevsky R. he, S. Nikolskoye, in a picturesque place, 170 m from the shore R. Volga. (the first line from the water).
Attendance per year: 4800 person/day.
The average cost of stay in days: RB.
Turnover per year: 10 500 000 rubles
Costs per year (including salary of staff, gas, water, Sewerage, electricity. energy, Internet, motors, etc.) = 1 500 000 rubles
The main building area of 700 square meters
Cafe, area of 100 square meters, consists of 2 rooms - each 16 posidon