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Offer type: salePublished: 22.08.2014
Seller:Sharapov Aleksej
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Address:Russian Federation, Saratovskaya Oblast', Saratov
The machine is designed to modify the geometry of the edges (chamfer) for welding on pipes during the construction of pipelines in the field and stationary conditions.
Can be used for processing the ends of the formed gas cutting, ends with nicks and damage.
Electrical machine consists of a Cabinet with starting equipment, stationary and portable remote. Stationary remote control has buttons: pump station, "START", "STOP"; the rotation of the faceplate "START", "STOP", the button "TOTAL STOP"; light NETWORK, signal power; horn button; the flow switch to "MANUAL", "AUTOMATIC"; buttons supply faceplate in the direction of the arrows (when in automatic mode).
In the lower right part of the console has a slot SHR for connecting portable console. Portable remote control has a button "COMMON STOP", "SIGNAL", arrow move faceplate "LEFT", "STOP" and "RIGHT". The console is connected to the unit stationary unit through the plug connection type SR.
To limit the movement of the faceplate, at the extremes, there are two limit switches. To alert others about the beginning of the operation of the machine has a sound alarm.
The hydraulic system of the machine consists of a pumping station installed in the tank, remote control, cylinder centering mechanism, pipes, tees, reducers. The control of the hydraulic system is carried out by means of a valve installed on the frame of the machine.