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Milling machines, CNC for woodworking CNC 6090

Offer type: salePublished: 21.08.2014
Seller:Slavyanskij Sergej 79613154777
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Address:Russian Federation
Industrial engraving machine CNC 6090. Mechanical engraving machine equipped with CNC system, powered by an AC voltage of 220 C. the Machine is designed for processing wood, plastic, organic glass, acrylic. Managing complex is a system of numerical control. The machine enables the manufacture of decorative panels for the decoration of interiors and facades of buildings, company logos, promotional products. To connect to the computer uses a PCI interface.
One of the most popular CNC machines small size. Excellent speed, accuracy and variety of tasks, all of this makes this machine is indispensable in the production of small and medium size. This milling and engraving CNC machine, thanks to a convenient control system NcStudio, the exact mechanical structure, high speed copes with the tasks of 3D carving (you can install an optional rotary axis), production of Souvenirs, processing, plastic, soft metal, and other tasks.
The construction of the machine invariably involves a welded steel frame and calipers portal, duralumin portal of thick profile, hardened steel guides, accurate and convenient control system NcStudio, level control signals which are close to several microns. Balanced accurate spindle 1.5 kW maximum rpm to 24,000 equipped with a system of water cooling, which allows the clock to use the machine.
The machines are assembled in the factory on the industrial equipment. The accuracy of the products is checked using electronic measuring devices.