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CB.,minced., fillet, semi-finished products

Offer type: salePublished: 08.08.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Novosibirskaya Oblast', Novosibirsk
Sell poultry meat warehouse in Novosibirsk:
The carcass of the Central Bank, a HUNDRED packages, 1.4 kg, 1/13 - 85 rubles
The carcass of the Central Bank in packages GOST, 1 S. (Healthy farm) - 117 rubles
Chicken/m, prom. Rev. , monolith, 1/12,(Uralbroiler), GOST 2 C. - 110 rubles
Chicken, GOST 2C., s/m, package , box weight(Chebarkul) - 95 rubles
Leg s/m 1/12 - 90 rubles
Legs USA, 1/15 (Kohi/ Hudson Halal/ Tyson) - 100 rubles
Hip, 1/10 - 100 RUB
Shin 1/10 - 105 rubles
Wing chickens GOST - 105 rubles
Chicken GOST 1/10 - 190 rubles
Minced/m monolith 100% 17 kg - 100 RUB
From a warehouse in St. Petersburg:
-Beef tongue Uruguay, cleared direct
-Chicken fillet THE 10%
-Ham chicken TU
-Semi-frozen chicken from own production