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High-quality lumber from pine and spruce

Offer type: salePublished: 05.08.2014
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The company "HELCOM" engaged in manufacture and sale of high quality sawn timber of pine and spruce. Edged boards, floor boards, timber, siding, and our other lumber competitive in the market because produced from Northern wood - Arkhangelsk pine and spruce. Pine is a very easy, well-kept warm, not pale and not fade, resists moisture, and over the years becomes even more beautiful. Spruce retains its natural color even after a dozen years, has a high hardness, which makes it difficult the treatment, but gives strength to the construction.
Our North wood in the production of sawn timber subjected to strict quality control and compliance with environmental regulations. Imported equipment and innovative technologies allow us to obtain the materials, worthy to represent them in the international market.
"HELCOM" is woody materials, which will give your home comfort, warmth and sophistication, which they lacked.