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Modern frame-panel ECO HOUSE factory Assembly from the company ECOHOUSE SYSTEM

Offer type: servicesPublished: 01.08.2014
Seller:Eko Dostroj
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Address:Russian Federation
The construction of "turnkey" for 45 days - in Moscow, Moscow region and the Central district.
What are the benefits of ECO house?
- Cost savings in construction and cost of operation
- Time saving for construction
- Ecology of health of the occupants of the house and the environment
We offer modern and comfortable house, buying You will receive:
DESIGN. Solutions of the exterior and interior of the house - no restrictions!
The COMFORT. Feel the security, warmth and comfort in the house in any weather conditions.
TIME. Software calculation of the house and its manufacturing plant. The finished house completed in 45 days!
The CONVENIENCE. The system of "smart home" control and manage electrical engineering systems of the house with your phone, gadget, computer.
The DURABILITY. Modern materials and technology - life without major repairs - 70 years!
The GUARANTEE. 100% quality control at each stage of construction. Warranty - 15 years!
The price of the house from 3950 R. kV/m
+7 (495) 374-74-80