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Blow molding machine (plant) MN-800 for ecowool

Offer type: salePublished: 26.08.2013
Seller:Evgenij Efimovich
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Address:Russian Federation, Ryazanskaya Oblast', Ryazan'
Modern professional blow molding machine (plant) MN-800 is designed for receiving, processing (loosening) and pneumo transporting with great performance fibrous insulation in thermal insulation and sound insulation construction: roofs, walls, floors, facades, etc.
MN-800 has a powerful engine, optimized design of the feeder and a blade agitator.
All this had a positive impact on the performance and durability of the machine:
•installation of the power unit with power reserve, makes it possible to avoid peak loads and significantly extend the service life
•optimization of the design of the feeder has reduced the load on the drive mechanism
•change site of the agitator has allowed to achieve more effective loosening of the material and its delivery to the feeder.
The car has:
•high-performance vane feeder-dispenser,
•motor-reducer INNOVARY with motor ABLE (made in Italy), with a capacity of 1,500 watts
•two high-performance turbine - blowers AMETEK Lamb (USA), with a capacity of 1700 watts each, able to seal the insulation in design to the desired density ( up to 70 kg/cubic meter) and set the heater to a considerable height (up to 5 floors) and distance (up to 100m).
In the receiving hopper blow molding machine is equipped with two horizontal agitator optimized configuration effectively loosening the insulation on the individual fibers.
Adjustment of flow rate and discharge pressure is carried out by the flap of the feeder and the change in speed of rotation of the turbine blowers for which the machine is equipped with a controller of the amount of material feed and the speed of the blower.
Machine is equipped with a cap table.
MN-800 is equipped with remote control system (remote control) wired or radio channel. Cable length DN in the base case, 30 meters at customer's length can be increased and reduced.
The presence of the remote control allows you to enable or disable the power that is the additional factor of convenience and safety when operating the blow molding machine MN-800.
Depending on the wishes of the customers on MN-800 can be installed single-phase motors 220V or three-phase motors 380 In the same capacity.
The model is developed taking into account wishes of consumers and development work of the SEC.
Main technical data
Performance maximum, kg/CAS
Bin capacity, M30,3
Height of the material, M30
Diameter, mm
Installed capacity, kWt,2
Voltage, 220V
Frequency, Hz
Dimensions, LxWxH, mmhh
Mass, kg
Features blow moulding machine MN-800:
-high performance
-reliability design
modular easy folding design, a small amount of electronics simplify repair and maintenance
-easy Assembly, set up and dismantling
-convenience in transportation (trucking and moving the object)
-stability technical parameters
-integrity and capacity of the pneumatic system
-the possibility of equipping a kit for wet deposition
-one year warranty with servicing (does not apply to wearing parts)
-detailed instruction manual.