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Blow molding machine (plant) MN-300 for ecowool

Offer type: salePublished: 20.05.2018
Seller:Evgenij Efimovich
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Address:Russian Federation, Ryazanskaya Oblast', Ryazan'
Blow molding machine MN-300 is intended for injection of fibrous insulation with low performance insulation construction: roofs, walls, floors, facades, etc.
The car has: feeder-dispenser, the motor reducer (made in Italy) and one high-performance turbine - blower (USA), able to seal the insulation in design to the desired density ( up to 70 kg/cubic meter) and set the heater to a considerable height (up to 3 floors) and distance (up to 70 m).
In the receiving hopper of the machine is the only one stirring shaft with a vertical axis, effectively loosening the insulation on the individual fibers. Adjustment of flow rate and discharge pressure is carried out by the flap of the feeder and the change in speed of rotation of the blowers for which the machine is equipped with regulators amount of material feed and the speed of the blower.
MN-300 has a minimum weight compared with similar equipment from other manufacturers. The equipment is reliable in operation and easy in maintenance.
The machine can be easily disassembled into two pieces for easy transport in the car. Minimum operating ambient temperature minus 10 degrees C.
Machine is equipped with a hose length 30 m, internal diameter 60 mm
Blow molding machine MN-300 has a number of advantages that distinguish among analogues:
-reliability design
modular easy folding design, a small amount of electronics simplify repair and maintenance
-easy Assembly, set up and dismantling
-convenience in transportation (trucking and moving the object)
-stability technical parameters
-integrity and capacity of the pneumatic system
-the possibility of equipping a kit for wet deposition
-one year warranty with servicing (does not apply to wearing parts)
-detailed instruction manual
Main technical data
Performance maximum, kg/CAS
Bin capacity, M30,28
Height of the material, M12
Diameter, mm
Installed capacity, kWt,6
Voltage, 220V
Frequency, Hz
Dimensions, LxWxH, mmhh
Mass, kg
In the receiving hopper is loaded compressed insulation, using a system of turners is loosening and filing with the operating compartment, where under pressure, ecowool is served by transport sleeve (hose) to the place of construction. Dosing entering the feeder material is carried out by rotating the handle associated with the flap of the hopper.
For easy transport of the machine, a hopper is removable.