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Ultrasound scanners Samsung Accuvix V20 and Samsung Medison R5

Offer type: salePublished: 26.08.2013
Seller:Krich Evgenij
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Sell ultrasound scanners from Germany:
1) Samsung Accuvix V20 2011, new. Options: Cardiology Clinical Package, 4D. With 3 sensors (3D V5-9 convex, C1-4EC intracavitary, LF5-12 line) and b/W printer. From 39900 Euro
2) Samsung Medison R5, 2010, new. Options: Picture Archive, 3D, PW Doppler, Color Doppler. With 2 sensors (TZCN2-8 convex, TZLN5-12 line) and b/W printer. From 15,000 euros
You can change the configuration of the devices. Details: website