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The apex locator, price, 1000 UAH

Offer type: salePublished: 24.08.2013
Seller:Eremenko Yakov Ivanovich
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
The apex locator, price, UAH 1000, J2, KSD-RZ-B, endodontic, dental apex locator root canal.
The feature of this apex locator is the fact that measurements are made on the basis of 2 the frequency of the pulse signal are accurate, so you should not make any adjustments for different patients, and regardless of dry or wet or filled with blood root canal on the accuracy is not affected. Also the accuracy is not affected teeth, the size of the tip of the root, the thickness of the root canal.
LCD display with accurate visualization: 105 * 105 * 115 mm
Power supply: DC7.5 V (5 * DC 1.5 V AA alkaline dry cells)
Power to 0.135 VA
Weight: 370 g