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Vitamins Orthomol Diabet - small wholesale, piece of German pharmacies.

Offer type: salePublished: 23.08.2013
Seller:Galina Shtulmann Skype Philip.Stulmann
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Vitamins Orthomol Diabet small wholesale or piece of German pharmacies.
Balanced formula of vitamins company Orthomol contains a complex of vitamins, minerals and ultramicroelements the vital body in predvaritalno condition and patients with diabetes. Due to the unique composition of vitamins Orthomol Diabet are the perfect addition to the complex of therapeutic measures for the treatment of eye diseases caused by diabetes. The content of zinc, chromium and Biotin provides active stimulation of metabolism, from the formula of vitamin B provides a complete carbohydrate metabolism, and vitamin a supports eye function. Available in capsules of 30 or 90 day portions of a single Bank.