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Mobile jaw crusher McCloskey J44

Offer type: salePublished: 15.08.2013
Seller:Shutov Pavel Viktorovich
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Address:Russian Federation, Sverdlovskaya Oblast', Yekaterinburg
Crushing chamber
The size of the target otverstia x 650 mm
The width of the discharge gap 51 mm 152 mm (can be adjusted hydraulically)
Overload protection - sensors of the load, and the load
Hopper wall of steel 8 mm Hardox
The volume of 6.8 m3
L x W - 4530 x 2222 mm
The vibratory feeder with adjustable speed
L x W - 4050 x 1080 mm
The length of the grate section 1580 mm
Side conveyor belt with adjustable speed, standard
Dumping height 2100 mm, belt width 650 mm
Main conveyor
Dumping height 3940 mm, belt width 1050 mm
Magnetic separator
Engine CAT C9
Service refill capacities:
Fuel tank - 636 l hydraulic tank 1200 l
The mechanism of movement
The width of the caterpillar 400 mm, the height of the truck 820 mm
Speed max/min tracked 1.8 km/h
Dimensions: transport - 14.5 x 2.5 x 3.4 m
Working - 14.5 x 2.5 x 3.9 m
Weight 40 so
Available, price on request