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To buy a Defibrillator-monitor, Defibrillator

Offer type: salePublished: 13.08.2013
Seller:Shevchenko Aleksej
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast'
Cardiology. Defibrillator-monitor buy 044-2271285. Equipped with step-by-Step Audio Alert commissioning in Russian. Portable defibrillator - monitor DKI-N-10 "AKSION" is intended for therapeutic effects on the human heart a single bipolar electric pulse through a pair of electrodes transthoracic.
Defibrillator - monitor DKI-N-10 "AKSION" allows you to monitor and log:
- electrocardiogram (ECG) of the patient, as from the defibrillation electrodes and individual electrodes of the monitor;
- measurement of heart rate;
- construction and registration of ramagrama and scattergram R-R intervals,
- providing the alert signal at the output of the parameters for the specified limits.
To buy a defibrillator in Ukraine at the lowest price, Discount, Guarantee, and shipping. Shevchenko Alexei 044-2271285, 063-0680066, 067-2878-165