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Offer Aluminum Duralumin metal cutting Plate

Offer type: salePublished: 06.08.2013
Seller:Drozd Aleksej
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Sell Sell Chupa Territorially specialises in the wholesale supply of rolled metal products and offers its customers a wide range of products made of ferrous metal, stainless steel, special steels.
These hot-rolled semi-finished products are manufactured according to GOST 17232; non-clad plate from grades AMC, AMCs, AMG, AMG, AMg5, AB, AC-I and aluminium grades ADOO, ADO, AD1 , AD; clad with technological plating (thickness of the cladding layer on each side not more than 1.5% of the nominal thickness of the plate) from grades D1, D16, B95, AK-I; - clad with normal plating (thickness of the cladding layer on each side of not less than 4% normal thickness) - alloy B95.
For the process of plating plates of grades D1, D16, AK-I used aluminum grades ADOO, ADO and AD1 (copper content less than 0.02%), for technological and normal plating plates alloy B95 - aluminum brands AD, AD.
Plates are supplied without heat treatment. On demand of the consumer plate alloy B95 thickness less than 20 mm, a width of 1300 mm and length up to 2500 mm are supplied in heat-treated condition (otoshiana, solution heat treated, quenched and aged).