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Hellebore Caucasian

Offer type: salePublished: 02.08.2013
Seller:Shpakovskij Vladimir
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
Hellebore Caucasian
Hellebore Caucasian(apiary) lat. Helleborus caucasicus is a unique herb that restores the overall metabolism in the body, thereby treating many diseases. One of the main properties of moronica Caucasian is that due to the complete cleansing of toxins normalized whole body. Through regular use of moronica people live long and don't remember about the disease.
•a tool for weight loss: the principle is based on correction of serotonin metabolism, is used for severe obesity. Normalizes and restores the overall metabolism in the body that helps to reduce excess weight. Weight loss occurs gently and gradually. Thanks to deep clean from toxins, radionuclides and heavy metal salts, causes a General rejuvenating effect. On the skin, no stretch marks, cellulite disappears and there is a correction.
•diseases of the cardiovascular system and circulatory disorders and chronic cardiovascular disease. Hellebore strengthens the cardiovascular system, prolongs diastole, stabilizes heart rhythm, increases vascular tone, increases blood flow to the heart muscle. Normalizes blood pressure.
•antitumor agent: due to the content of essential and fatty oils, which inhibit the growth of cancer cells, hellebore is a powerful anticancer agent. Used in the treatment of fibroids, fibroids, cysts, mastitis.
•sedative: the effect of glycosides on serotonin metabolism has a calming effect, reduces appetite. Used in the treatment of neuroses, insomnia, helps to restore the nervous system, which in turn gives confidence, calmness, balance, and resistance to stress.
•diseases of the respiratory system: liquefies phlegm, contributes to its discharge from the bronchi; relieves asthma attacks. Used in the treatment of bronchitis, including chronic asthma, tuberculosis, and diseases of the lungs.
•urological diseases: hellebore has antispasmodic effect, prevents stagnation of bile, prevents the formation of stones in the gall bladder, helps to eliminate sand from the kidneys and urinary tract. The cleanser: hellebore reduces the level of cholesterol in blood and prevents the deposition of cholesterol in blood vessels , has diuretic and laxative effect, normalizes the function of the intestines, promotes complete cleansing of the bowel and liver.
•immunostimulatory agent: hellebore stimulates the immune system, increases the body's resistance to infections, preventing viral diseases (SARS, INFLUENZA) and used for headaches after injuries, concussions of the brain, migraine; epilepsy reduces the number of attacks. Hellebore is effective in diseases of joints, spinal osteochondrosis, rheumatism, arthritis, sciatica.
myocardial infarction, atrioventricular block, paroxysmal tachycardia, endocarditis, pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance
Methods of application:
The initial dose is 50 mg (one measuring spoon), powder moronica Caucasian. Every 10 days the dose was increased by 50 mg to 300 mg a high number to use for 6 months. In the case of intestinal disorders, the dose be reduced to the normalization of stool (soft stool 1-2 times per day).
1.The dose of powder to be mixed with a quarter teaspoon of honey. Be taken once a day at bedtime, on an empty stomach before meals.
2.Dose of the powder, pour 50 grams of boiled water (room temperature). Shake before use (stir) that the sediment got into the body. Take once a day: in the morning, on an empty stomach before meals.
3.The dose of powder to put in his mouth to wash down with warm water. Take once a day: in the morning, on an empty stomach before meals.
Hellebore Caucasian recommended for use with foods rich in potassium (Ca).
Application features:
In severe gallstone disease, stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer necessary to conduct a preliminary treatment marinoi dyeing and Orchis, respectively diseases.
The plant is poisonous, it is required to strictly adhere to the dosage. During the use of moronica need to take in food products enriched with potassium, calcium and excessive drinking.
Form release:
hellebore Caucasian (crushed roots and rhizomes) 10g.