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Offer type: salePublished: 02.08.2013
Seller:Shpakovskij Vladimir
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
1 capsule contains: 90 mg of nanometric crystals of hydroxyapatite biologically appropriate size.
Hydroxyapatite (abbreviated: Hap (HydroxyAPatite) is one of the most important constituent of the human body. Just bones, teeth, and joints contains this material, mainly containing calcium (Ca), about 1.5-2 kg.
Modern nanotechnology makes it possible to create particles of hydroxyapatite of such magnitude, they are present in the cells of the body - that is, of nanometric size (hence reducing NanoHap).
Using the framework of different fibers, in the world are based on hydroxyapatite biodegradable implants for the correction of various defects of body tissues.
During development of materials for implants, scientists have found that in many cases even put it into capsules of nano-hydroxyapatite operate faster and more efficiently on biological recovery mechanism problem areas of the body: helps to quickly relieve the discomfort that occurs when certain problems with the spine, joints and cartilage (arthrosis, arthritis, gout).to improve the motor ability of the joints, increase physical activity and, consequently, to prevent atrophy of the muscles. Significantly speed up the healing and recovery of bone after injury.
Positive results were obtained in the treatment of osteoporosis and other ailments of the human body associated with calcium deficiency and for the prophylaxis of these diseases.
Appropriate use of calcium may have a therapeutic effect in cases of many diseases/problems such as rheumatism, bone pain, bleeding gums, hemorrhoids, anemia, insomnia, cramps in the leg muscles, tuberculosis, stomach ulcers, damage/burns skin and so on.
Strong teeth, nails and hair are inseparable positive impact of the use of nano-hydroxyapatite.
Such a wide range of mechanism of action is due to the ability of particles of nanometric calcium very small size to penetrate cell walls and act directly on the cell nucleus DNA, starting or significantly thus speeding up the natural recovery processes in different parts of the body.
The contact surface area of the nanoparticles in 1250 times more than conventional drugs, so its effect on the body is much harder .
As nanometric calcium enters the body to enlarge, the effect of hydroxyapatite is shown very quickly. When it started in the body positive processes effective for a long time even after completion of the course.
Nanometer hydroxyapatite can be compared with perfect biological, a well designed building blocks, which are safe for the body, easily accessible, does not accumulate in the body and do not cause allergic reactions.
This product NANOHAP™ is packing ONLY biologically suitable particles nanomedicinal hydroxyapatite, excipients included in the capsules provide the reception of the material is comfortable and in optimal doses.
Instructions for use NANOHAP
Universal nano-material for rapid recovery of bone, cartilage and soft tissue. Source of easily absorbable calcium.
-hydroxylapatite (inorganic calcium salts) - 90%
-supporting material (gelatin, starch) - 10%
Indications for use:
-Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (fractures of any complexity; poor healing of bone and muscle tissue; arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis; osteoporosis; demineralization of bone tissue).
-Rheumatism, muscle cramps, insomnia
-Bleeding gums, hemorrhoids, anemia
-Stomach ulcers
Poor healing of wounds, ulcers and other skin damage
In gynecology (periods menopause)
In cosmetology (repair and strengthen hair and nails, body rejuvenation)
-To increase immunity and improve overall condition.
In veterinary medicine.
The effect of the drug:
The efficiency of calcium absorption is associated with nanometric dimensions of crystals of calcium salts (Apatite) included in the composition of the material. The drug has no side effects, does not cause allergic reactions.
Arthritis, arthritis in some patients there was a steady decrease or disappearance of pain already on the 2nd - 5th day of admission. After a full course of treatment (1 month) pain is cropped in a few months (3-9 months), depending on the severity and duration of disease.
Method of application:
Take one capsule in the morning after a light Breakfast and in the evening for the night.
The recommended course of treatment:
In diseases of the musculoskeletal system - 30 days.
For immune restoration, rejuvenation, improvement of General condition 15 days.
For strengthening hair and nails - 10 days.
If necessary, you can repeat the course after 2 to 3 months.
Individual intolerance to the components of the product.
Storage conditions:
Store in a dry, dark place at room temperature.
Shelf life: 3 years.