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Coenzyme Q10 Plus (CoQ10 Plus)

Offer type: salePublished: 02.08.2013
Seller:Shpakovskij Vladimir
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
Coenzyme Q10 Plus (CoQ10 Plus)
• Provides energy production at the cellular level
• Has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, the brain and the peripheral nervous system
• Supports the immune system
• Increases the regenerative processes of the mucous membrane of the gums and other growing tissues
• Antioxidant activity
A coenzyme is a vitamin-like substance non-protein nature, which is necessary for the functioning of enzymes that produce energy cells and accumulating it in the form of adenosintriphosphate acid (ATP). Clinical studies have shown that coenzyme Q10 is a component of the mitochondria - the cellular elements that produce about 95% of all energy in the human body. In the internal organs that require large amounts of energy, such as the heart, liver, kidney, spleen, pancreas, should maintain a high level of coenzyme Q10. According to the research results 25% deficiency of coenzyme Q10 in these organs can cause serious diseases. With age, the body loses the ability to absorb a sufficient amount of coenzyme Q10 from food simultaneously decreases its synthesis in the body, so the risk of disease increases.
Studies have shown that coenzyme Q10 is necessary to ensure the body's immune defense and normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. He lowers blood pressure. Modern cardiologists start treatment of hypertension with the appointment of coenzyme Q10.
Good results have been achieved with long-term use of this drug (dose up to 150 mg) in heart failure, in various forms of cardiomyopathy and myocarditis. These States are very difficult to treat conventional pharmaceuticals. Shows good effect in angina. Dentists claim that using coenzyme Q10 gives fantastic results in the treatment of parodontosis (50-75 mg per day). Currently active research in Oncology. There are some encouraging results for the prevention and treatment of cancer of the breast and other organs.
Rational use of coenzyme Q10 in metabolic diseases, diabetes, weight reducing program. In the latter case, a good combination is the use of the dietary NSP cambogia Combination containing L-carnitine.
In addition to coenzyme Q10 in the composition of biologically active additives include chelate compounds of iron, magnesium, zinc, and copper. Hawthorn and Cayenne pepper increases the absorption of biologically active substances. The combined effect of all the ingredients of the additive allows to achieve maximum efficiency.
Biologically active additive Co Q10 Plus supports cardiovascular and immune systems, improves brain function, regulates blood circulation, has a positive effect on the energy of the entire body.
1 capsule 1-3 times a day during meals. Store in a dry, cool place.
1 capsule: Coenzyme Q10 - 10 mg iron (Iron chelate ) - 2 mg. Magnesium (chelate) - 25 mg of Zinc (chelate) - 5 mg Copper (chelate) - 2.5 mg. Fruit (1:1) to 190 mg of Cayenne pepper Hawthorn Chelate form is a mixture of organic compounds of minerals with amino acids glycine, histidine and leucine.
Individual intolerance to the product.
Release form: 60 capsules 540 mg
Producer: NSP