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The electrodes UTP 86 FN

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Price:500 UAH
Company:ChP Gulak
Seller:Gulak Aleksej Aleksandrovich
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Address:Ukraine, Poltavs'ka Oblast', Kremenchuk

Will sell the electrodes UTP 86 FN F3,mm Electrodes are used for welding and surfacing of the following types of cast iron:
• lamellar grey cast iron GG 10 - GG 40 (SCH 10 - SCH 40)
• high strength ( with ball graphite) GGG 40 - GGG 70 (HF 42-12 - RF 70-2)
• malleable GTS 35 - GTS 65,
as well as for welding of these materials with others, or steel with cast steel.
Universal application in vosstanovlenie, construction and production welding. The electrode UTP 86 FN has exceptional welding characteristics for cast iron, has a stable arc and provides a smooth seam structure, eliminating undercuts. Especially good when making fillet welds, if you want to ensure a smooth joint surface, for example when welding cast iron (GGG) flanges or connection with cast iron (GGG) pipes. Covered bimetallic core provides a high conductivity and exceptional performance. The weld metal is crack resistant and is easily processed.
Actual balance: 162,40 kg