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Sell green coffee and roasted

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Price:1 UAH
Company:Ukrainskaya Kofejnaya Kompaniya L
Seller:Polischuk Nikolaj Pavlovich
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Address:Kyiv, Ukraine
For all lovers of natural aromatic coffee We present You with natural, fresh roasted coffee from the best plantations in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Grain is collected from the trees by hand and fried in the modern world technology. Coffee contains no dyes and fragrances. The product range of coffee beans and ground counts more than 40 varieties. Direct contracts with the world's leading manufacturers and suppliers of green coffee provide affordable prices that will pleasantly surprise you! Coffee is not only delicious and fragrant drink, but also a great gift to loved ones, colleagues and friends for the New Year and Day of birth, professional holidays, and other significant date. Going to visit, make a pleasant family - bring coffee as a tasty gift. Delivery all over Ukraine by courier and mail.