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The transformers

Offer type: salePublished: 27.02.2015
Company:OOO NPO Yuzhenergo grupp
Seller:Tereschuk Evgenij
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Address:Ukraine, Zaporiz'ka Oblast', Zaporizhia
Offer to supply a current transformer from a warehouse and under the order: TOL-10-I-1(-2)W; TOL-10 - I-1-3(-4)U2; L-10-1-5 (-6) U2; TOL-10-1-7(-8) U2; TOL-10-IM-2 UHL2.1; TOL-10 - IM-WHL.1; TOL-10 - IM-WHL.1; Switchable TOL-10 - III-1 NF1; TOL-10 - III -2 NF1; TOL-10-III-3 NF1; MP-10-M U2; MP 10 M-I U2; TLS-10 UZ; TLS 10-1 UZ; TLS-10-5 kt; TPOL-10 UZ; TPOL-10-U; TPOL-10M-2 U3; TSHL-10 UTZ; TSLP-10 UTZ; t-10-I U3; TL-10 - II BONDS; TPLC-10 UZ; TPLC-10 UZ; GOOD-6 A5.1; SENSE of-10 A5.1; TOP-0,66 U3; tshp-0,66 UZ; the Bus to the transformer TSHL-0,66 U2; TSHL-0,66-1 N2; TSHL-0.66 II U2; THL-0,66 U2 layer; THL-0,66 U2 cast; TNS-0,66 UZ; Class voltage 20 kV; TSHL-20-I UHL2; MP-20 UHL2; TOL 20-2 UHL2.1; TOL 20-3 UHL2.1; TOL 20-WHL.1; MP-35 UHL2; TLC-35 UHL2.1; TLC-35-1 UHL2.1; TLC-35-2 UHL2.1; TOL-35-III-IV-1; TOL-35-III - IV-2 NF1; TOL-35-III-IV-3 NF1; . 3 years warranty! Full package of documents! Quality!