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Antilipidny tea

Offer type: salePublished: 01.08.2017
Price:1 125 RUR
Company:Artel' Al'yans
Seller:Baranov Nikita Vladimirovich
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Address:Ukraine, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Bakhchisaray

Antilipidny tea composition: 6 types of green tea leaves Gynostemma five-leaves, Lotus leaves, Senna seeds protoplanetny, the root of Polygonum multicolor (snake), marigold flowers,.

Description antilipidny tea

· Improves fat metabolism in the body removes cholesterol from blood vessel walls. Improves your vision.

· Reduces nervous tension under stress, day tones the body, supplying it with energy through the burning of fat.

· Normalize (stabilize) blood pressure.

· Has a stimulating effect on the immune system.

· Removes toxic substances from the body. Well reduces fever, removes all kinds of worms, including Giardia.

· Relieves hangover (clears the head and gives strength), improves the function of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

· Inhibits the growth and the emergence of cancer cells.

Application antilipidny tea

· as a preventive and curative agent for atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, vegetovascular dystonia;

· to improve vision;

· to improve the overall health and condition of the nervous system;

· food and occupational poisoning and respiratory diseases and influenza;

· as a means of prevention of colon cancer and cirrhosis of the liver;

· in the complex therapy for liver and gastro-intestinal tract.

How to take antilipidny tea

1 sachet per day. Pour over a bag of 1 l of hot (80 degree) water and infuse for 10 minutes. Drink in the morning, at normal pressure, better after eating, with increased pressure for 30 minutes before eating hot under reduced pressure after 1—1½ hours after food is cold. One tea bag for lowering lipids can be brewed 2 times a day. Not recommended in second half of day, especially after 18.00. Not recommended for use without interruption for more than 2 months, because this starts the excretion of magnesium from the body, which will lead to sleepiness, decreased performance, poor memory. For 1 pack. The contents of the sachet can pour in a pot with flowers instead of fertilizer.

Contraindications: not recommended for children under 12 years, pregnant and lactating women, and in hysterical conditions, arterial hypertension, violation of rhythm of cardiac activity (see "method of use antilipidny tea").

Form release: 40 bags of 1.5 g