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the issue of e-signature online.

Offer type: servicesPublished: 29.07.2014
Seller:Tokarev Vladimir Petrovich
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Address:Russian Federation, Leningradskaya Oblast', Saint-Petersburg
Get the EDS without leaving your office or home.
Summer promotion! Order EDS now with discount up to RB.
Urgent release and Remote configuration as a gift.
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What is the password for the"Summer promotion" and do you Know how?!
Will issue a digital signature certificate for 20 minutes on the payment.
EDS for all trades (bankruptcy, commercial sites and sites of public Procurement, for Rosreestr, Reallola, Customs, GATI SPb, document management and tax reporting.
Conduct accelerated accreditation for 1 hour at ETP Sberbank-AST and RTS tender.
Urgent issuance of a Bank guarantee and collateral for trading