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Sell four-axis horizontal milling machining center, CNC Huller Hile Specht 500

Offer type: salePublished: 28.07.2014
Seller:Makeev Igor'
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Address:Russian Federation
We have for sale two of the working machine, each with a supplementary tool.
Four-axis horizontal milling machining center, CNC
Hullerт Hille Specht 500 with rotary table, with two interchangeable pallets
and store at 70 tools
translation of technical passport:
Work on the X - 630mm Y - 630mm Z - 500mm
The front bearing 70mm
Used the taper HSK 63
Power tool clamping 1900 N da
Max. spindle speed 16000 rpm
Table size 400mm X 500mm
At the bottom position of the spindle
distance from spindle axis to
pallets 100mm
Distance from spindle nose
to the axis of the pallets 120mm
Machine height 3250mm
The width of the machine 5800mm
Long machine 4700mm
Shop tool 35 + 35 PCs
Maximum tool diameter 125mm
The maximum length 250mm