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Kids car "Bibicar"

Offer type: salePublished: 24.07.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Surprisingly, you can buy a toy Bebecar and ride it together with your child. The design of a toy designed to withstand even the weight of an adult person.
Bebecar (Bibicar) is a new and extremely interesting for children toy. Bright machine Bebecar does not work on batteries and even not at the expense of generators: due to centrifugal and gravitational forces. In order to drive a Bibicar not need to attach almost any special efforts. Place the machine on a level surface, the seat of the child, putting his feet on the rubber supports under the wheel of a toy. After that will just have to tilt the body slightly forward and turn the wheel left and right. Bibicar will immediately touch with a vengeance and will give the child a lot of happy emotions and impressions.
Price, rubles: 1995
Currency: Rubles