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Rent warehouses in Nikolaev port.

Offer type: rentPublished: 22.07.2018
Seller:Kravchenko Marina
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Address:Mykolayivs'ka Oblast', Mykolayiv, Ukraine
Rent warehouses in Nikolaev port with a capacity of 4,000 tonnes of dry goods, outdoor storage. Warehouses can be used for storing grain, oilseed cakes, etc.. Six warehouses, weight for cars, renovated in 2011, the total area 8116 m2 of covered areas 2014,9 m2. There is a loading and unloading equipment and vehicles. Advantageous location in relation to the port, Nikolaev, no queues.
Location: Mykolaiv region, system R-n, village Hristoforovka, Ul. Priangarskaja A.