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Rent production facilities - oil shop

Offer type: rentPublished: 22.07.2018
Seller:Kravchenko Marina
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Address:Dnipropetrovska Oblast', Ukraine, Kryvyi Rih
Rent butter shop for the production of vegetable oil. Waste-free production of oil, meal and fuel briquettes from sunflower or rapeseed and their wastes (full cycle, clock work. The overall ability of sunflower seeds is 100-300 tons/day, the oil yield is 40-44%, meal - 52-65%, biomass briquettes - 50 t/day. There is potential to increase.
Skype: agrostilplus.manager5
The rent includes the maintenance of territories, buildings and equipment. Can also be accompanied by our technologist, laboratory technician, production Manager.
•Dolgintsevo (Ul. Transport, 1, , Kryvyi Rih, Dnipropetrovsk oblast): 2 processing plant oil, 1 briquetting plant, hangar 1, the laboratory, the weight for auto 80 t, renovated in 2010, the total area 7962 m2 of covered areas 3593 m2.
•C. Free (street jubilee, 55, Apostolovo R-n, Dnipropetrovsk oblast): 1st workshop on processing of oil, 1 office building, 1 warehouse, garages, weight for auto 60 t, renovated in 2008, the total area 3426 m2 of covered areas 930 m2.
•Karachouns (street Quarry, 24, , Krivoy Rog, Dnepropetrovsk region): 1 briquetting plant, 2 warehouse and boxes, the total area 7626 m2 of covered areas 1047,12 m2.
All the territory is fenced and provided with video surveillance systems, electricity, water (the mountains. and hol.), set the presses, briquetting presses, elevators, grills, oil line, control panel, toilets, showers, recreational workers, hangar, granaries, bulk capacity. Once the storage capacity of bulk products - 1100 t, the granular product is 3200 so There is a driveway for rail loading. Advantageous location in relation to farms with favorable conditions for the cultivation of oilseeds and ports.