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Vacuum press profit center 2512 COI And

Offer type: salePublished: 17.07.2014
Seller:Stancho Sergej Sergeevich
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Address:Mykolayivs'ka Oblast', Mykolayiv, Ukraine
LTD Artel LTD is pleased to present a series of vacuum presses profit center 2512 designed for lamination of furniture facades, door linings, etc., With the help of modern technology and our vacuum press you will be able to laminate furniture facades, door moldings, doors, etc. with PVC films (both matte and high gloss and PET) and veneer (with membrane). To work with pressure can both in manual and in automatic mode. The press is equipped with a laser sensor, with which the numerical control system of the press receives the most accurate and correct information about all the processes. Thanks to infra-red heaters the press will save you not only time(the performance is much better than its competitors), but also money, because tena included work only when the cover is closed press. Using a vacuum press profit center 2512 you can also execute flexure of furniture facades, their lamisil with PVC films and veneer, the flexure of thin acrylic sheets, etc.
Vacuum presses are equipped with components only from the best world leaders in the field of vacuum technology.
More detailed information You can get by visiting our official website or contact the technical sales team by phone +38 067 588-27-44