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the plasma cutting machine CNC ARTPLAY 3015

Offer type: salePublished: 17.07.2014
Seller:Stancho Sergej Sergeevich
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Address:Ukraine, Mykolayivs'ka Oblast', Mykolayiv
CNC plasma cutting machine "ARTPLAY are designed for straight and curved cutting ferrous and non-ferrous sheet metal. Depending on the type of source plasma cutting cutting metal with thickness up to 50 mm You will receive the highest quality of cut, and with some metals will not even need to use additional mechanical processing. CNC plasma cutting machine "ARTPLAY will deliver a quality cut, and our software will optimize cutting and thus to minimize material waste. All machines are equipped with sources Hypertherm plasma cutting (USA) or Jackle (Germany). With the help of which You will get high cutting accuracy and excellent edge quality.
CNC plasma cutting machine can be used in virtually any industry Machines allow you to get high quality and high cutting accuracy, absolute repeatability of cut parts, to increase the volume of your production, to optimize the cutting of the metal, thereby decreasing waste.
The company Artel LTD is ready to offer you cutting machines with CNC the following models ARTPLAY 2515, ARTPLAY 3015, ARTPLAY 6025
The machine can choose the type size of the treatment area, functionality, and type of source, and the thickness of cutting metal. In the manufacture of machines, plasma cutting machine model ARTPLAY 2515, ARTPLAY 3015 we use only cast housings and bearings. This dramatically increases the life of the machine and allows you to work with thick metals. Robust design of the machine helps to withstand heavy loads, hard design reduces vibration at idle transitions and during cutting, thereby increases the accuracy of cutting.
Also, if necessary, we can offer CNC plasma cutting models ARTPLAY 6025, ARTPLAY 6025-Bevel, having a working area of 6000 x 2500 mm, which allows you to cut sheets of large size. If necessary, we can equip it with the option for metal cutting angle up to 45 degrees.
More detailed information You can get by visiting our official website or contact the technical sales team by phone +38 067 588-27-44