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Cheap sale land 35 km from Kiev under construction

Offer type: salePublished: 25.07.2013
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
Cheap sale land 35 km from Kiev Boryspil R-N. S. Voronkov. Land in a picturesque place for recreation or building a house (or other, such as under the seat) with an area of 7 hectares Excellent asphalt driveway. Light, gas. 2 Hectares for the construction of the cottage. 3 Hectares are occupied by three lakes. General area for different ideas. It was planned under the recreation center with cabins, restaurant, steam room, area tours, fishing, etc. is a Very picturesque place.
Land near Kiev price 500$ per hundred square meters.
(093) 169-02-87 Vadim.