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Large format printing

Offer type: servicesPublished: 23.07.2013
Seller:Pobochaya Valeriya
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Address:Russian Federation
Large format printing
We offer You a service of printing posters, printing occurs on a large machine with a resolution of 720dpi/. on paper Blueback 115 UAH.
the value of A2(420 x 594) - R. PCs
the value of A1(594 x 841) - 150 RUB. PCs
the value of A0(841 x 1189) - 250. PCs
when standing orders up to 25% discount
We offer You a service of printing posters, printing occurs on a large machine with a resolution of 720dpi/. on paper Blueback 115 UAH.
the value of A2(420 x 594) - R. PCs
the value of A1(594 x 841) - 150 RUB. PCs
the value of A0(841 x 1189) - 250. PCs
when standing orders up to 25% discount
(812) 922-08-73