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Matrix Ohm 1.5, OGM 0.8, Kahl, Munch, Matador, CPM, GT, OGM, DHA, Buhler, Granit

Offer type: salePublished: 09.07.2013
Seller:Nester Mihail
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
LLC Urbio TRANS-Service" is the official representative and distributor of the Italian company General Dies, which for 55 years produces a comprehensive line of granulation and accessories. The company offers a wide selection of quality pellet mills with different capacity (from 250 kg up to 4T/h) for processing waste wood, sunflower husks, straw, peat, bagasse, etc. Over the years accumulated a great deal of experience in the manufacture of wear parts (matrices, shells) to the pellet as its own production and the production of other firms (Kahl, Munch, Matador, CPM, GT, OGM, DHA, Buhler, Granit). Parts are made of special stainless steel alloy with high chromium content. During production, the use of modern technology and vacuum hardening steel, resulting parts have long service life. It is possible to manufacture both ring and flat dies hole diameter from 1.5 to 24 mm. LLC Urbio TRANS-Service" also produces re-instatement of the matrices used. LLC Urbio TRANS-Service" is engaged in sales of brettanomyces, used vehicles and new granulators of Ohm 1.5 Ohm 0,8 different configuration depending on the source of raw materials.