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Natural Coconut oil for hair

Offer type: salePublished: 03.07.2013
Seller:Natural'naya kosmetika Yuliya
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
100% coconut oil for hair wholesale and retail Chandi 100% coconut oil Chandi contains trace elements, antioxidants, and vitamins a, C and E. coconut oil has excellent anti-inflammatory action. coconut oil quickly and effectively soothes irritations. In addition, coconut oil promotes healing of wounds, cuts and cracks on the heels. Oil Chandi is a great tool for removing makeup. rejuvenating the skin, It prevents skin aging. Oil Chandi nourishes and revitalizes damaged hair. The oil prevents hair loss. Natural coconut oil is a great remedy for a beautiful tan. Also it can be used for massage. Price: 50 UAH.
Address: , Kyiv, Popudrenko street 52, of. 802
Phone: (093) 756-56-48
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