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Coffee LAVAZZA Pienaroma 1 kg

Offer type: salePublished: 02.07.2013
Seller:Kavi Aromat
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
The company Aroma of Coffee offers grain coffee LAVAZZA Pienaroma 1 kg - 175 UAH. (50 kg on request)
. Minimum quantity - 1 box (6 PCs).
Delivery in Ukraine - mail services. In Kiev it is possible to deliver by arrangement, 3 drawers - free delivery, customer pickup (M. Kyiv) - 1 mailbox.
Packaging: cardboard boxes of 6 packs.
Price for large parties discussed separately. We will provide supplies on a regular basis to vendingowe companies. We can also supply related products (paper cups, wooden stirrers).
(044) 383 31 65
(097) 238 62 25
(050) 151 12 55
(093) 876 48 44