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Vacuum massage apparatus Zell 5000

Offer type: salePublished: 01.07.2013
Seller:Evstegneev Andrej
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Vacuum massage apparatus Zell 5000 is the first massage apparatus that is used at home, affecting all areas of the face and body.
Procedure with Cellu 5000 allows you to get rid of different swelling and cure cellulite, improves elasticity and skin tone, makes the body more privlekatelnym and removes the excess fat, optimizes the entire lymphatic system. The effectiveness increases with the use of special cosmetics for body and essential oils.
Vacuum massage apparatus Zell 5000 improves lymph circulation and elimination of toxins, relieves nervous exhaustion and stress. Under the influence of this massage improves trophic tissues and circulation, improves blood flow, improves muscle tone. Noted the effectiveness of vacuum massage in diseases of the different groups of muscles, peripheral nerves, venous and lymphatic vascular nedostatochnosty. Vacuum massage Cellu 5000 will allow you to make the massage easier than traditional massage jars.