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Pump axial piston НАМ74М-90/32

Offer type: salePublished: 27.06.2018
Price:65 000 UAH
Seller:Ovchinnikov Dmitrij
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Address:Ukraine, Zaporiz'ka Oblast', Zaporizhia
Sell axial piston adjustable pump: НАМ74М-90/32 (b.y.)
Designed for pumping of working liquid in hydraulic system of injection molding machines, press-forging production, bending machines, baling presses, mining industry and other hydraulic mechanisms. Produced with the mechanisms of pitch change: manual (P) hydraulic (h), a power regulator (E1), servo (S), electromagnetic (M).
Performance of pump : electromagnetic
Control type: solenoid
Direction of rotation: Right
Working volume, cm3: 90
Nominal pressure, MPa: 32
Minimum inlet pressure, MPa: -0,02
The maximum inlet pressure, MPa: +0,05
The nominal outlet pressure, MPa: 32
The maximum output pressure, MPa 40
The working range of control supply of 0,1...1,0
Nominal rotation frequency, Rev/min 1500
Maximum rotation frequency, Rev/min 25
Minimum flow rate, l/min 12
Nominal flow, l/min 122
The delivery rate of the pump, not less than 0,94
Rated power, kW 73
Efficiency, % not less than 0,89
The number of revolutions of the screws, no more than 11
The direction of rotation of the nut to increase flow , clockwise
The displacement force of the output rod of the mechanism to increase the feed movement in the direction of the pump, N 170
Working stroke of the mechanism, mm 20
The permissible number of switches per minute 40
The number of regulation innings 4
The time of the change of flow from minimum to nominal or Vice versa, with 0,2
The power consumed by the electromagnet, W 26
Precision set-point mode regulation, % ±10
The accuracy of maintaining the set value of power % +15
Allowable rate of change of pressure at the pump outlet, MPa/s 350
The minimum kinematic viscosity, mm2/s 21
Maximum kinematic viscosity of working fluid, mm2/s 265
The minimum fluid temperature, deg. +10
The minimum ambient temperature, deg. +0
The maximum ambient temperature, deg. +50
Maximum fluid temperature, deg. +50
Full 90-percent share, h 7250
90% time to failure, h 3900
The valid number of responses per minute 40
Length, mm 760
Width, mm 315
Height, mm 368