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Sell garlic for planting varieties of Lyubasha, the Duchess of Sofiivskiy

Offer type: salePublished: 13.06.2018
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Address:Ukraine, Zhytomyrs'ka Oblast'
Sell garlic for planting varieties of Lyubasha, the Duchess of Sofiivskiy, Merefyansky white, Messidor, Thermidor, Kharkiv purple, Rocambole, (heads, single bulbils, Heart, air), all our products are grown and harvested with the technology for further planting but their planting material. The price matches the quality of the product. We will help You to choose the variety of garlic to grow and sell products at the best prices in the market. The technology of growing definitely is added when necessary. If You have any further questions happy to answer them by phone 098-017-60-60 you can order in online store "Dretzka bed" in the presence of seeds all types of vegetable seedlings currants, raspberries, blackberries, potatoes. Shipping New mail or equivalent on the whole territory of Ukraine, it is also possible to export.

  Attention !!! currently we accept orders for planting material of the crop 2018р. as a number of garlic varieties is limited Infoline 098-017-60-60