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The company sells seeds of winter garlic

Offer type: salePublished: 13.06.2018
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The company sells seeds of winter garlic namely:

1). Grade winter garlic Lyubasha in stock, (odnizovo, head, guns).

2). Grade winter garlic Sofiivskiy available, (odnizovo, head, guns).

3). Grade winter garlic Duchesse in stock, (odnizovo, head, guns).

4). Grade winter garlic Merefyansky white in stock, (odnizovo, head, guns).

5). Grade winter garlic Messidor available, (head).

6). Sort of winter / spring garlic / onion Rocambole available, (odnizovo, head, kids).

All varieties of original preservation class 100% all of our products are grown and harvested to the technology. Assistance in the implementation of the farm products. Possible delivery in Ukraine New Mail carriers, emergency or analogue. The volume of some varieties is limited to the price of the dog. Will help you choose varieties for Your region and soil, in the presence of herbicides, fungicides, stimulants and growth regulators for garlic. Tel 098-017-60-60 Yuri