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Children stroller DolcheMio SH270

Offer type: salePublished: 02.06.2015
Price:2 200 UAH
Seller:Tolschina Viktoriya
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Stroller DolcheMio-SH270 has inimitable and original design. Today it is one of the most stylish and maneuverable strollers, which has a large front swivel wheels with locks to the linear drive, the diameter of the wheels provides maximum maneuverability of the stroller on any terrain. Rear wheel carriages increased, their size is 30cm, which betrays the stroller more maneuverability and makes the trip a little more comfortable and soft. Frame of the stroller is made of aluminum alloy, whereby this model is considered one of the lightest and at the same time durable strollers.

The handle is in the stroller DolcheMio-SH270 rocker that will easily allow you to change the fit of the child otnositelno roads and to hide the baby from strong wind or bright sun, also the handle is a button to quickly fold the stroller with one hand. The backrest of the stroller is adjustable in several positions until the horizontal that will allow you to walk even during sleep the child providing him with comfort, complete with soft mattress.

On the hood of the stroller has a roomy pocket and an opening window for ventilation and baby monitoring.