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Machine packing DCWB-250D

Offer type: salePublished: 06.06.2014
Seller:Romanovskij Mihail Borisovich
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Machine packing DCWB-250D is a specialized horizontal automatic equipment designed for packing small piece goods in packaging "Flow-pack". The design of the device allows the packaging both individually and on several pieces at once, for example, biscuits, through a special feed feeders - drives and date on the package using a roller printer date.
The advantages of this model can also be attributed automatic feed product, the presence of a feeder for different sizes of products, additional rulonoderzhatel, europroject, printer date on the seam, sensor photo tags. Machine packing DCWB-250B has a stainless steel components and mechanisms for easy reconfiguration of the length and width of the package.
Package dimensions mm:
length 90-220
width 30-110
maximum product height 60
Main technical specifications
Weight, kg
The power cut,4
Dimensions (length, width, height)3770*640*1450
The principle remoteauthentication
Type producthistory
Type material film materials
The principle upakovki.rastvor
Price: 380000 RUB