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Machine dough HWH-50

Offer type: salePublished: 06.06.2014
Seller:Romanovskij Mihail Borisovich
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Machine dough HWH-50 is a specialized equipment designed for manufacturing test. Most often, this model is used in the fields of catering, bakeries, cheburechnaya, pelmeny etc. This device has a housing, executed entirely of stainless steel, and all work areas of the unit, also made of quality stainless steel. Work areas have the same speed as the rest of the Z-shaped kneading the body. Machine dough HWH-50 reliable and easy to use, which in no small measure due to the easy unloading of the test by turning capacity of finished products by 90 degrees.
Main technical specifications
Power consumption, kW:3
Dimensions (length, width, height):HH
Weight, kg:350
Price: 84900 RUB