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Linseed oil, 100% natural, cold pressed (MariAndOil)

Offer type: salePublished: 03.06.2014
Seller:MariAndOil MariAndOil
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Flaxseed oil is indicated for diseases of the cardiovascular system, cleanses the blood vessels from cholesterol, normalizes blood pressure, preventing heart attacks, paralysis. As a result of using linseed cooking oil decreases the likelihood of blood clots in the heart, lungs, brain. Prevention of cancer. Omega-3 and omega-6,gives a great anti-cancer effect. Has proven in the treatment of diabetes. Very useful for children and pregnant women. As linseed oil is used in the treatment and prevention of joint diseases. For 100% absorption of the oils in the body, use : cottage cheese + flax.
0.5 liter -50,00 UAH.
1l-60,00 UAH.
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