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CTPM - complete mast transformer substation

Offer type: salePublished: 01.06.2014
Seller:Gurvich Mark Vladlenovich
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Address:Russian Federation, Vladimirskaya Oblast', Vladimir
CTPM - complete mast transformer station ( labelled by the manufacturer
CTPM -25...250/6(10)/0,4-U1 )is
for the reception of electric energy of three-phase alternating current with frequency 50 Hz rated on - progeniem
6(10) kV, converting it into a voltage 0.4 kV distribution
consumers. Types CTPM: KTM-25/6/0,4-U1 ; KTM-25/10/0,4-U1; KTM-40/6/0,4-U1 ;
KTM-40/10/0,4-U1 ;KTM-63/6/0,4-U1 ;KTM-63/10/0,4-U1 ;KTM-100/6/0,4-U1 ;
KTM-100/10/0,4-U1 ;KTM-160/6/0,4-U1 ; KTM-160/10/0,4-U1;
KTM-250/6/0,4-U1 ; KTM-250/10/0,4-U1 Structurally CTPM consists of:
devices from the highest voltage of the IOC;
- power transformer T;
- switchgears by low voltage - low voltage switchgear.
The IOC, low voltage switchgear and power transformers are located on a common base having a mounting
the Foundation for the installation of the substation. Design CTPM designed for mounting power
three phase two-winding transformer with natural oil cooling series TM,TMG.
Production time is minimal , shipment by region
T./F. 4922-305368 ;8-903-6471471