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Panels shcho-70

Offer type: salePublished: 01.06.2014
Seller:Gurvich Mark Vladlenovich
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Address:Russian Federation, Vladimirskaya Oblast', Vladimir
Panels SHCHO-70 is designed for picking switchgear (LVSG) three-phase alternating current with frequency of 50 Hz in networks with earthed neutral voltage of 0.4 kV, are used for reception and distribution of electricity, protection from overloads and short circuit currents, and are used for installation in distribution networks as in four-wire and five-wire versions with zero work and protective earthing conductors.
Device products
The frame panels are made of galvanized steel with riveted connections, which greatly increases the strength of the body, improves the appearance and corrosion-resistant properties of the product. The door locks, made of black steel with subsequent coating (powder or paint).
Inside the frame on the bracket frame is installed on the apparatus, which is controlled devices that are installed on the front frame members (control of circuit breakers linear panels through the window in the door). For mounting the busbar at the top of the panel, install the bracket with the insulators. With frontage on the top ledge panel mounted instrument panel, which also serves as the barrier busbar. For attachment of suitable cables and wires is provided a perforated area, welded to the lower zone of the frame. The Assembly of panels manufactured by bolts through the holes in the rack panels. Panel S-70 are available in four structural models: the width of the facade 400,600,800,1000 mm.
Their purpose panel S-70 are divided into:
- introductory panel;
panel line;
panel sectional;
panel input line;
panel introduction-section;
- panel with equipment ABP;
panel Supervisory control and street lighting.
T./F. 4922-305368 ;8-903-6471471