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CSR 298 camera team unilateral service

Offer type: salePublished: 01.06.2014
Seller:Gurvich Mark Vladlenovich
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Address:Russian Federation, Vladimirskaya Oblast', Vladimir
CSR 298 camera team unilateral service, is designed to work in electrical installations, three phase AC frequency 50 and 60 Hz voltage of 6 and 10 kV for systems with isolated or grounded through a ground-fault neutralizer neutral. From the chamber 298 going switchgear, serving for the reception and distribution of electricity. The principle of operation is determined by the sum of diagrams of main and auxiliary circuits of the camera.
Rated voltage, kV; 10
Maximum operating voltage, kV,2; 12
Overall dimensions, mm:
Sirina (1000)
Vysota (2340) ±5
Diagram of the main circuits of the chamber 298 on request
T./F. 4922-305368 ;8-903-6471471