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Steel tube 1420 new (shell)

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Price:17 000 UAH
Company:PP "Intelektual'ni Finansovi Sistemi"
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Address:Kyiv, Ukraine

The company produces steel pipe (shell) f 1420 mm with a wall thickness of 4-20 mm (upon agreement it is possible to produce pipes with wall thickness up to 30 mm). Steel grade: senior PS, item 20, item 09G2S or as agreed with the customer.

The pipe is made from shells (segments).
Shell is cylindrical or conical rim used in the welding of pipes. Using similar technology, manufacturing, pipe shells are quite practical and has a robust margin of safety. Pipes are welded connection, Ravnopravie base metal pipes.

Manufacture of steel pipes from shells suitable for use as casings pipelines, bridge footings, structures, punctures, and on pipelines General purpose (pressure up to 24 bar).

Flexible process allows you to quickly set up the equipment for the manufacture of pipes of any non-standard diameter (length and diameter of the pipe can be made of any kind to the extent permitted by the terms of their delivery to the consumer).

Deliver vehicles in Ukraine. Possible waterproofing pipe.