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The transition To e GOST 17378 steel 20,08KH18N10T,12X18H10T. the presence of

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Price:35 880 RUR
Seller:otdel prodazh
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Address:Russian Federation, Voronezhskaya Oblast', Voronezh

Transition e h-h steel 12X18H10T geometry GOST 17378-2001 L=180 type MN availability 1pcs=18450,00 b/VAT availability

Transition E H(h-h)-2,5 Art. 08KH18N10T 20 OST 34-10.422-90 5 pieces=19500,00 b/VAT availability

Transition e h senior 12X18H10T of GOST 17378-01-4pcs=5550,00 b/VAT availability

The Transition To H-h Art. 20 chiseled geometry GOST 17378-2001 in quantity of 1 pieces=35880,00 b/VAT availability

The transition To h L=130 steel 08KH18N10T chiseled geometry GOST 17378-2001 1pcs=24450,00 b/VAT availability

The Transition To H-h/2 tbsp. 20 points. OST 34.10.700-97-St=950,00 b/VAT availability