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Mobile installation of biomass pelletierine

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Company:TOV EKKO
Seller:Shvets Aleksandr
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Address:Ukraine, Cherkas'ka Oblast', Cherkasy

TOV ECCO offers mobile installation MPA 1000 processing Dukovany biomass fuel granules (pellets) of straw grain and vegetable oil, cane and miscanthus, hay or other dry biomass with a capacity of 1000 kg/hour.

The cost of 1000 MPA DDP Ukraine - from 430 thousand euros depending on the configuration.
There is a model MPA 1000+ Holz for pelletierine sawdust and wood chips.
On MPA 1000 also can be manufactured pelleted feeds for feeding animals and poultry
Dukovany hay, alfalfa, clover and other biomass for maintaining high nutritional properties when
long-term storage. The video on the website.