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The heat exchanger of the pahlen hi-flo titanium

Offer type: salePublished: 31.05.2018
Company:OOO 'Lord-X'
Seller:Natal'ya Krichfalushij
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv
Heat exchanger Hi-Flow titanium that ensures durability and high quality, with a high risk of corrosion.
Titanium is an ideal material for use in salt water or when using a salt cell.
Maximum pressure secondary circuit (pool water) is 5 bar, the primary circuit (hot water) is 30 bar.
- Titan
Connection with internal thread (secondary);
- Spiral for water heating;
- Equipped hollow cell;
- Brackets of acid proof stainless steel AISI 316L;
- Connects to existing heat source.
If you want to build an outdoor swimming pool, the heat exchanger you will be particularly relevant.
kW---Price (EUR)