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Sold Laboratory office

Offer type: salePublished: 23.05.2014
Seller:Kantemirov Kantemir
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Address:Russian Federation
Sold Laboratory office "REMOTEST" franchise. Fully equipped office with all necessary equipment. Renovated by all standards SNIP. The Department is working for 7 months and has their customer base.
The office is located 2 km from the MKAD Odintsovsky district , the MICR Trehgorka in the new dormitory inhabited the area. Office - 160 m2 , Cabinet layout, 8 rooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 entrances, beautiful entrance, video cameras, each Cabinet has air conditioning.
Together with the laboratory and sold the company with a license for the following types of medical practice:
- Ultrasound
-A pediatrician's office completely with everything you need for physician work)
-Gynecology (Gynecologic armchair + small tool available)
- Nursing